Course offerings
Types of Courses
Foundation, advanced, and specialized courses and modules
offered once a year on a rotational basis
the foundation courses stress method
the advanced modules stress nuancing the method
the specialized courses stress a particular concept, tradition, or a historical and philosophical context
Archived and free courses marked as off the shelf offerings
offered as instant download
cartomantic prompts
archived courses
Nonreading: a 3-year one-on-one course in cards and Zen
offered once a year to a limited number of students (12-17)
registration is based on a waitlist
joining the waitlist is open all year round
What an Aradia Academy course is and what it isn’t.
All the teaching is based on an invitation to think with and on the cards; Zen and martial arts principles are applied to our reading techniques.
An Aradia Academy course is not a class in memorization, or in what people say as a matter of course, tradition, or lineage.
Each course follows the principle of Read like the Devil, which simply means that we read a visual text or the world according to how we apply the function of all things to context.
We aim to enforce the Zen principle of seeing things as they are.
When we operate with a visual text, we look at what is. We ask this question: What cultural conventions dictate the function of what we look at beyond a purely symbolic level?
We dispel the idea that meaning is inherent in cards and beliefs. An Aradia Academy course is an investigation into meaning as situational.
The backbone of our method is deconstruction. If we see anything in the cards, then it’s not because we have privileged access to some presupposed knowledge, be that occult, secret, or psychic. If we see anything in the cards, then it’s because there’s a question on the table that prompts a particular kind of analogical thinking, stretching our habitual responses to a place that’s interesting to look at and consider.
We deal with language awareness and metaphors that represent it, not reality.
For a list of a few method essays that are now part of Aradia Academy’s history, you’re welcome to peruse some ideas here.
What they say
Camelia Elias transmits tarot in a way I can feel in my bones. Her two books on the subject are pure gold. And I have zero doubt this class is rich with real life magic.
— Fabeku Fatunmise, Business awesomizer and sonic alchemist
If you want to learn how to read Tarot by one of the most talented, creative and magical minds I know, then you MUST study with Camelia Elias. Personally, since learning Camelia’s style of reading my clarity and accuracy has improved radically. Plus, all the people who usually join are awesome in their own creative/magical way. Do it!
— Samantha Blackadder, Apothecary
I cannot recommend CARDS AND MAGIC highly enough. I have been reading cards for over 25 years and Camelia has completely refreshed and focused my reading style. Get in while you can… Camelia, you are a BAD WITCH, and a great teacher.
— Jason Miller, at Strategic Sorcery
RADIANT READING, the Marseille Tarot advanced module, was a BALL! It was a fantastic experience; I was looking forward to the live-class meetings. This is not just a tarot reading class; it’s a mind-bending philosophy course.
— Cristina Castanedo, mathematician
Radiant Reading was a very effective advanced course. It exposed the way that you, Camelia, actually go about doing a reading… beyond the basic concepts… deeper into the “looking”… paying attention… common sense making connections aspects of readings… even using positional spreads. It busted everything up, then put it back together again… minus belief systems and preconceptions… plus your ever present toughness.
— Charles Webb, filmmaker
The Lenormand Foundation Course was a priceless time. However it sounds—I’d pay triple for studying with Camelia! The Grand Tableau feels so much easier—I just enjoy looking at MORE cards which is a huge success! I’ve always felt like 9 cards may be more accidental than all 36 (hilarious, I know), laying pretty in their positions, so gaining confidence in reading the Grand Tableau is my beloved success. Thank you for being on this earth at the same time as me. LOVE YOU.
— Marta Spendowska, artist and painter
Camelia, your courses are “Open Mind Courses” and, of course, Lenormand Foundation Course had this effect on me. You show me not only how to read, but how to think. This is priceless. But what I love most is the Fearless. You teach me I have nothing to fear. Thank you so much. I think the method is amazing. And I can say that everything you show me make changes in my life. At the end of each class, I had a feeling that my brain is a little bit different. I call it the “Eureka Feeling”. I love it. A huge THANK YOU! I love your energy, and your dedication. Thank you so much for everything. And don’t forget to write my name on your list of eternal student.
— Elaine Trinidade, linguist
Like always, Camelia’s instruction taught me the essentials and how to use them, and how to pull it all together without getting lost or rambling down woodpaths. I cannot recommend the Advanced Lenormand course highly enough to anyone who would grasp the Grand Tableau and wield it as a powerful divinatory tool, improve their skill with Lenormand in general, and deepen their practical understanding of the principles and techniques essential to success in any and all forms of cartomancy. Camelia is truly the very best of the very best!
— John Felczack, engineer